Input and Output

When you want to introduce data to a programm computer we use an input. Then, this information is processed and you can show the result. This last thing is called output.

A simple example of input is what you type in your keyboard and an example of output is anything you view on your computer monitor.


Gif from:


Now, in python we have something called variables. They are reserved memory locations to store values. We have different kinds of them:

  • Numbers: Data is stored like a numer value.
    • integer: whole numbers
    • float: real numbers with a decimal point
  • String: A series of characters
  • Lists: Values stored, it contains separated items.
  • Tuples: They are like a list, but they cannot be updated.
  • Dictionary: Is like a collection of data type.

You can learn more about it in the following link:


To end this blog, let’s do an example. The user will enter an input and then we are going to show an output.


If you need more help, I could recommend you this video, from Carl Turland: Coding at School: Functions and Variables

Mastery topics: Python conventions

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